March 3, 2013
Dear Luminous Leaders, Illustrious Associates and Treasured Friends,
“Bliss is the new raw.” ~ Happy Oasis
Just as the Raw Spirit movement thrived and continues to flourish in the next generation of fabulous festivals, retreats, multi-media, and restaurants… as of today, 100 Budding Blissologists have been certified in Hawaii, California and Arizona since we commenced the certification course just six weeks ago. We give thanks for humble, grateful, sweet beginnings.
Blissology University’s Core Curriculum expands.
For the first time, Budding Blissologists will be able to join interactive live telecourses and webinars happyning later this year as the world’s first university degree in Blissology is created!
• Budding Blissologist Certificate Course
• Bliss Basics
• The Ecstasy of Ethics
• Blissology 101
• Living Your Godzillionaire Lifestyle
• Embracing The Blissiplines
• Bliss Forth With Funlovingkindness
• Compassionate Communication With Bliss
• Advanced Beginners Bliss Conscious Communication
• Being A Pragmatic Ecstatic
• Bliss Coaching 101
• Basic Practices For Bliss Coaches
• Succulent Strategies For Supernatural Health
• Health For Blissful Bodies & Inspired Minds
• Health & Happiness Coaching 101
• Meditation Celebration Retreat
• Guiding Meditation Celebrations
• Fantastic Fitness Friend Certification
• Celebrating Creativity
• Becoming a Blisszillionaire
Watch Bliss U Interview Fantuzzi Up A Tree on Maui about his secrets to living in bliss.
Blissologists are taking CBB certification to heart!
Several graduates have asked if it’s fine to add the letters “CBB” after your names, indicating that you are Certified Budding Blissologists. Yes, indeed, feel free. Many of you have sent us photos of you with your framed certificates.
Thank you for suggesting that we provide optional frames in the future as well as gold-embossed certificates. Marvelous ideas. Yes, we shall. Some of you are emailing us with “Certified Budding Blissologist” featured as part of your official signature below your names, asking if this is fine to do, and inquiring as to whether CBB can be added as an eduational qualification to your business cards. Yes, absolutely. Bliss forth!
Thank you for seeing the seriousness of the situation:
Spreading cheerful, grateful good tidings in this increasingly stressed & depressed world is a serious business. With your support, we believe we can reverse the trend. Within a few years we can create a pandemic of happiness, and with it, a planet-wide pandemonium of perpetual peace.
Introducing Marci Shimoff
With book sales of more than 14 million copies worldwide in 31 languages, Marci Shimoff is one of the bestselling female nonfiction authors of all time. This is the latest breakthrough from this New York Times best-selling author, world-renowned transformational expert, author of Love for No Reason, Happy for No Reason, co-author of six Chicken Soup For The Soul books, and featured teacher in hit film The Secret. Her profound teachings are easy-to-understand and her methods work!
Americans Lead The Way In Depression.
Not only is depression arguably the USA’s leading disease, but also please consider this fact: the USA leads the way as the most depressed nation on Earth where more anti-depressants are consumed than the rest of the world combined. How did the USA slide from being the land of the free to the land of the D, as in Depressed?
Joy is the greatest, easiest, continuous gift we can give to humanity.Thank you for leading the way! How many smiles can your one smile cause in a single day?
Ecstatic Events Ahead:
- Raw Vegan Leadership Panel. Sat Mar 9 at 2 pm at Ft. Lauderdale, FL’s New Life Expo. Join moderator-panelist Happy O with Viktoras Kulvinskas, Dr. Etti Ben-Zion, Gisella Torrella, Brenda Cobb, at Ft. Lauderdale Broward County Convention Center.
- For The First Time In Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Become A Certified Budding Blissologist at a Certificate Playshop For Blissologists! Broward County Convention Center. Sun Feb 10 at 11 am in Room 301.
- Bliss Conscious Communicationon in Santa Cruz, CA. Feb 14, 6:30 – 8:30 pm featuring Columbian & Peruvian Sages & Musicians Martika & Wachon, plus Compassionate Communicator Scott Catamas, Happy Oasis & Johnny Light at Unity of Sedona, AZ
- Blissology Comes to New Living Expo in San Francisco at the Concourse, April 26 – 28
- Playshop for Blissologists with Happy Oasis & Johnny Light in Sedona, AZ. March 23, 7 – 9 pm
We’d Love To Celebrate With You At These Upcoming Gatherings of Bliss!

San Francisco’s Pre-Eminent Healthy Living & Consciousness Expo Returns to The Conscourse Exhibition Center Apr 26 – 28. See the Extensive Impressive Line Up at including A Playshop Celebration For Certifying Budding Blissologists Sat Apr 27th at 7 pm.

Bliss U News is blossoming as a monthly bliss-blast with a rainbow spectrum of possibilities to enhance ever more joy, peace, harmony and bliss in our everyday lives.
RAISING THE BLISS BAR. How to transmute less-than-excellent interactions into harmonious, kind-hearted, fun-loving, giggle-rich conversations?
Bliss Conscious Communication is the book that inspired the creation of This Bliss Book is guaranteed to ameliorate your relationship with Life and other loved ones.
$20 + $5 nationwide shipping
Upcoming Monthly Issues of Bliss U News: Deepen Thy Presence with Meditation Author-Guidess Sara McLean, Hear the Remarkable Wisdom of Richard Hardy, Drink in Laughter with Singing Lovologist Larisa Stow, Experience the Yoga of Bliss with Angel Meenakshi, New Causal Bliss Interview with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, Meet Markus Rothkranz, & Discover Why Blissologist Happy Oasis is So Dang Happy… explores bliss conscious-expanding ways of being that Happy coined as “The Blissiplines” at the turn of the century while introducing the novel field of Blissology enrich relationships and uplift perceptions so that everyone (who wishes) may live a Godzillionaire lifestyle.
Special Thanks To Los Angelos of Los Angeles!
We give thanks to the extraordinary Agape Family & Friends of coastal L.A. for now housing our stay ~ beloved Dr. Elizabeth for wonder-filled waterfront hospitality in Marina Del Ray Harbor, Larisa Stow for sharing and caring, Daya for being an inspiration as her Concordance on-board-a-boat law office courageously takes on conscious cases with compassion, Agape’s Rev. Arlene for instantaneously saying “Yes! It’s already done”, Don Miguel Ruiz Sr. and Jr. for your loving & concocting plans ahead, Chef Juliano for the innerview, Marianne Williamson for shining your sagacity, as well as Rickie Byers-Beckwith and Michael Beckwith for setting our souls on fire!
Let Us Bliss Forth With FunLovingKindness!
Myriad Blissings,
Happy Oasis, CBB
Certified Budding Blissologist
>Founder of:<
Bliss U!