October 10, 2013
Beloved Troglodyte,

We just returned home to the Happy Oasis Retreat – dusty, inspired, well-swum and strong – from our annual Adventure Vision Quest in the bottom of the wildest wing of the Grand Canyon! Feeling the cool of evening, deep inside Havasupai Canyon, we discovered and snuggle-slept as troglodytes at the lip of a cozy, deep warm honeymoon cave for two, situated part way up a cliff overlooking the blue green waters of magnificent Havasu Falls.
We slept two nights in this honeymoon cave with a spacious arched entrance as tall as a house and two enormous windows larger than most doors thereby providing perfect ventilation and a constant 60-something degrees, ideal for sleeping and natural living.
Recommended: finding your own cave and snuggling in! The acoustics are superb, the vistas splendid, and the automatically-controlled, central cooling and heating, astounding.
Yippeyahyay! Bedazzle your soul with this amazing 10-second film of life as a Havasupai that I spontaneously took yesterday along the trail. It features horses and dog and a Native wrangler cantering and whistling through Havasupai Canyon.
Deep inside Havasupai Canyon Land, Roland, the local Native American sweat lodge shaman elder, welcomed us into deep, long, serious and contemplative conversation regarding wise approaches to living today. Fidel Rising Sun, a traditional Havasupai storyteller and dancer, generously invited us to sing ancient Havasupai songs while dancing with him around his fire. We did, in the dark, with respectful merriment.
The Next Generation of Bliss Is About To Arrive!
Yes, it’s true. Bliss U’s core text book Bliss Conscious Communication is entirely sold out. Pre-ordering of the next edition is available featuring ecstatically-expanded content and a gorgeous new cover.
Here’s What Leading Luminaries Are Saying About The New Bliss Book:
“When birth certificates are given, this book should be standard issue, too. It’s is a handbook for human happiness, an exercise in fertility, and a ball of light in your hand. Read and be transformed.”
– Michael Modzelewski, Discovery Channel host, author, celebrity, frequent Oprah guest & extreme adventurer
“Bliss Conscious Communication, I love it! Bless U, Bliss U!”
– Ram Dass, spiritual teacher & author of the best-selling classics Be Here Now and Be Love Now
“Happy’s wisdom is deep. Deepak deep. She may even be deeper than Deepak… you might call her Deeperpak.”
– Steve Bhaerman (Swami Beyondananda), cosmic comedian, prolific author and co-author of Spontaneous Evolution with Bruce Lipton
“Bliss Conscious Communication is not only fun to read, this book is call to action, to discover the ecstasy of ethics as well as the uplifting, powerful results of being creatively considerate and astonishingly polite. These pages are filled with recipes for shifting our words to better reflect the possibility that life holds, and the robust opportunity for positive, purposeful creation.”
– Kimberly Carter Gamble, producer, director and co-writer of the movie, THRIVE
“I was delighted to feature Happy Oasis as one of “America’s Happy 100” in my book Happy for No Reason. In Bliss Conscious Communication, she shows us how deep and lasting happiness is rooted in our thoughts and offers us easy steps to deepen our experience of happiness, joy and bliss.”
– Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times bestselling author of Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason
“This is the best book we have yet read and “co-authored” for inspiration, self help, and the power of the spoken word. We recommend this Have-To-Read-In-Your-Lifetime-Book to our clients and community, not only to read but to co-write, then re-read and re-write. What a foundation of joyous sharing for families, church groups, high school, college, university, therapy, spiritual and community gatherings! May you enjoy co-authoring this juicy, fun, promising, hopeful, and transformational book as much as we do.”
– Shelley and Kedar St. John, founders of Maui’s Temple of Peace
“Why enjoy ecstasy for a night when one can experience ecstasy for a lifetime? For the sake of harmony with humanity, may we all master the Blissiplines within this book.”
– Mirabai Devi, spiritual teacher of South Africa and Kauaii
“Guaranteed to raise your conversational kundalini, Bliss Conscious Communication is the quintessential ground-breaking phenomenon that is giving birth to today’s budding new field of Blissology… This could be the most important book you ever WRITE!”
– Johnny Liberty, inspirational cohort and author of Global Sovereign’s Handbook
“Happy Oasis has gone where others must not fear to tread. Bliss is the new “10”, consummate elation, and Happy conveys this better than anyone. All of us would be wise to reach for bliss as a way to blend and bend in times of change. Bliss is not out of our reach. It is our natural way of being, and Happy is here to remind us that bliss our birthright.”
– Stephanie Sutton-Flanagan, founder of Planet HeartWorks & chair of Flantech, guiding the work of her husband, Dr. Patrick Flanagan
“At last! A book about communicating for heaven’s sake.”
– Toni Toney, author of The Eco Diet
“Happy Heavenly Oasis is a vortex of delight whose years of meditation immersion has naturally lead her toward expanded awareness and radiating bliss. A decade ago, the first edition of this book invited the reader into what Happy calls Blissology. This second edition continues to deeply explore blissful living and how to share it with others. I highly recommend delving into it and the many Blissiplines within.”
– Sarah McLean, Hayhouse author of Soul Centered
“Conscious communication transmutes duality into oneness. This book guides you to that quintessential reality. Enjoy!”
– Dr. Jacob Liberman, author of Light: Medicine of the Future, Take Off Your Glasses and See and Wisdom From an Empty Mind
“Beyond the realm of normal words… bliss-inducing and scrumtrulescent.”
– Zander Hathaway, co-founder of The Well Tree
“Bliss Conscious Communication is worthy of memorizing and utilizing in our every day lives. Practicing these Blissiplines opens the door for the highest to express through us. Thank you, Happy, for writing such a powerful book and thank you, reader, for co-authoring it, thereby co-creating a more joy-filled world.”
– Dr. Richard Anderson, author of Cleanse & Purify Thyself and founder of Arise & Shine
“A promise of peace, and a marvelous friend with whom to take flight.”
– Mohammed Edrees Sabawoon, philosopher, Afghanistan
“Don’t just buy this book, grok it, and you will find bliss fields blooming in your mind and heart. The Blissipline Prophesy has been fulfilled with this publication. Read at your own blissk.”
- Tony Carito, inspirational comedian
RAISING YOUR BLISS BAR. How to transmute less-than-excellent interactions into harmonious, kind-hearted, mirth-loving, compassionate, giggle-rich conversations? This NEW EDITION of Bliss Conscious Communication is inspiring today’s booming Blissology movement.
QUANTUM GIGGLE GUARANTEE: This Bliss Book is guaranteed to ameliorate your relationship with life and other loved ones.
1 Bliss Book, includes shipping within the USA & Canada.
Beloving Blissologist,
‘Tis the season to be snuggly. Wouldn’t you agree?
The question is: How can we inspire ever more playful yet reverent relational intimacy?
By gazing and tenderly asking these questions in the spirit of a quest together:
*How may we approach this great gift of our Beloved Blissologist with perpetual gratitude, gladitude, awe and wonder?
*What enhances intimacy of our one shared heart?
*How can we deepen sacred expression, beauty and fun in this communion?
*What fosters ceaseless splendid mutual spontaneity?
*How can we co-create even more delicious joyfully-harmonious living?
*Which ambiances, attitudes, and gladitudes especially encourage our individual and co-creativity?
*How can we nurture ever more bliss in this sacred relationship?
As we celebrate yet another joyous monthiversary together with each other and with you, thank you (!) for beaming as we all bud and blossom together. ps. This is a photo of our heavenly host’s head.
Upcoming HappyO Happenings ~ Kindly scroll down to see flyers below.

SUN OCT 209th, 1 – 4 pm, FREE GATHERING at The Happy Oasis Retreat of the Gorgeous Granite Dells, near Prescott, Arizona. Organic Vibrant (raw) Vegan Potluck, Community Sharing, Short New Bliss Shop… Enjoy the Pool, Hot Tub, Foraging, Spectacular Scenery, Hike & Sing-A-Long. Gratis. Please bring a dish. (The www.HappyOasis/Retreat is available to rent starting on November 1st!)
FRI NOV 8, 7 – 9 pm at the Sedona Public Library. Dr. BRIAN CLEMENT and Dr. Anna Maria Clement present QUANTUM HEALING Theories with their fascinating interactive slideshow. These highly-respected doctors are the CEOs and co-founders of Hippocrates Health Institute of West Palm Beach, Florida, the USA’s largest 5-star living-foods health education retreat and comprehensive alternative medical healing facility. $15 advanced / $20 at the door.
SAT NOV 9, 2 – 3:30 pm, at The Field of Sedona. V.I.P. Reception and introduction to Dr. Clement’s ADVANCED HEALTH THEORIES; plus, Q & As with with Dr. Brian Clement & Dr. Anna Maria Clement. Organic vibrant raw vegan refreshments will be served courtesy of The Chocolatree. Limited tickets by advanced reservation only. $20 advanced/$25 at the door.
SAT NOV 9, 6 – 9 pm, lovely Sedona residence. Private Vibrant Vegan Hippocrates-Style DINNER, Marvelously Educative Evening Show and Discussion about INFINITE HEALING & POTENTIAL with DR. BRIAN CLEMENT & DR. ANNAMARIA CLEMENT. $45 includes dinner.

SUN NOV 17, 7 – 9 pm, at the Sedona Library. Meet FOSTER GAMBLE and KIMBERLY GAMBLE, co-producers of the movie “THRIVE”, which has been seen by more than 11 million viewers. They will present what’s next with THRIVE via live video transmission during this important presentation on “LIVING FREE IN AN UNFREE WORLD“. Includes opportunity for Qs & As. This is The Gambles only live Sedona “appearance”. Please support this important double benefit for Liberty International and The Vedic Center of Sedona. 7 – 9 pm, at the Sedona Library. $10 advanced / $20 at the door.
SAT NOV 23, The GYPSY SOUL Band Perform Live In Sedona. “Bliss-inducing! America’s most talented, profoundly-soulful, raucously-joyful and intelligent musical duet alive!” 7 – 9 pm, at the Creative Life Center with VIP Reception at 6 pm. $20 advance / $30 for reception & at the door. See flyers below
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Find out for yourself if you feel the difference!

Meet Dr. Brian Clement & Dr. Annamaria Clement In Sedona!
These avid researchers and dynamic speaker are the co-founders of Hippocrates Health Institute, Florida’s largest raw vegan health education and comprehensive alternative medical retreat. They will be in Sedona, AZ for three special events, Nov 8 & 9th. Pre-register here for one, two or for the special package price for all three events. Tickets are limited. Reservations recommended.
Tickets: www.ICResource.com/brianclementsedona

SAT NOV 23, Gypsy Soul To Perform In Sedona!
“Bliss-inducing! America’s most talented, profoundly-soulful,
raucously-joyful and intelligent musical duet alive!”
VIP Reception at 6 pm. Show: 7 – 9 pm at Sedona’s Creative Life Center. Tickets: www.ICResource.com/gypsysoulsedona $20 advance/$30 for reception or at the door.

SPECIAL THANK YOU to the Wonderful Community of Nevada City & Grass Valley, California, to the stellar staff at Yuba River Charter School, Gracious Host & School President, James Robinson, Beloved Johnny Light, and don Miguel Ruiz Jr. & Sr. for co-creating yet another deeply special sold out show with us. This was a benefit event where we raised $1300 for the Waldorf-inspired Yuba River Charter School of Nevada City, CA.
Bliss U News is a monthly bliss-blast with a rainbow spectrum of possibilities to enhance ever more peace, compassion, sympathetic joy, harmony and bliss in our every ecstatic day lives.

BlissologyUniversity.com is the first university to explore blissful lifestyles and the causes of bliss including what Happy coined as “The Blissiplines”, catalyzing today’s booming Blissology movement. May this enrich relationships and uplift perceptions so that everyone who wishes may live a godzillionaire lifestyle in joyous service to all earthlings.
Would YOU Love To Host A Certificate Playshop For Budding Blissologists in your area?
Blissology University Student I.D.s and Certificates of Bliss come in an eclectic array of frame-friendly options for graduates of both Playshops for Budding Blissologists and other Bliss U courses.
We believe that everyone deserves a degree of bliss.
Be Ye Joyous Unto Your Beloveds!
Loving You,