July 5, 2013
Beloved Blissologist:
“Can you touch your own toes?
More importantly, can you touch someone elses?”
(…reaching down, being humble enough, to reverently and
lovingly place your hands on another’s feet?)
“Who will I uplift today, and how will I uplift them?” ~ Love! Happy
In This Bliss U Issue:
1. Gabriel Cousens Video Shares Insights on “Non-Causal Bliss”
2. Oodles of Freshly-Certified Blissologists Let Loose in Colorado
3. Bliss Tips From Colorado, Wyoming and Montana
4. Patagonia, Arizona’s Tree of Life Retreat, Welcomes Blissologists For a Vegan Vacation
5. Blissful Business Opportuntiy: Colorado’s Little Moon Essentials Now For Sale
6. New Mexico’s Salubrious Ann Wigmore Retreat Is Available For Procurement
7. Don Miguel Ruiz Jr & Sr Shall Bliss Forth in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 4th.
Note to those Newer to Computers: Several friends have suggested that we add photos to these love letters. To see the photos in each issue, be sure to look to the top right of all your newsletters, then click on “Show Remote Content”.

In the News:
“Success may or may not be seen
from the outside. It is a ceaseless
devotion to the highest ideals.” ~ Love, Happy
Blossoming Meadows of Appreciation to to Crestone’s courageous Sophia Tears for composing her lovely song “Happy For No Reason” especially for Happy and Marci Shimoff, then singing it to us all at Crestone’s first Playshop For Blissologists.
Kudos to Angelic Angie and Caring Carey (right) for hosting Boulder’s Premier Playshop for Blissologists in their creekfront cabin above Boulder where several of the students satisfied other classmates with exuberant, uplifting conversational acclaim, thereby succeeding at attaining Budding Blissologist Certification.
After an evening of blues singing and local brew beering at the most happening bar in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, a spontaneous outbreak of Playshop of Blissologists recently convened, including these at the Magic Factory of Little Moon Essentials upon joyous request of ecstatic employer and blues singer Laura Lamun who giggled, “This is a blissing for us all!”
Galaxies of gladitude to You for celebrating your ecstatic existence, enjoying the Bliss U News, embodying the Blissiplines within, blissing this news forth to a blisszillion blissologists joining petals around the planet, and to especially anyone you know with a bliss-deficiency.
“Gladness knows no bounds.” Love, 🙂
Blissing Forth in Colorado, Wyoming & Montana!
Inspirational Interdependence Day to You every day of the year! On fourth of July we opted for a higher perspective; thus, positioned ourselves in the midst of some of the USA’s longest living glistening glaciers in Montana’s Glacier National Park; tossing snowballs, placing stacked snowpeople on our heads, glissading across melting meadows in our sandals and making angels in the snow, among other patriotic pursuits.
We felt the reverence for this great nation’s national parks amidst the few campers who convened in silence along this splendid, beach steeped in beauty at the boat dock. Together we watched the quiet fire works of the slowly setting midnight sun without need of hooting, hollering or fireworks, prefering sweet, deep silence on the 4th of July. Nature lovers create refreshingly-conscious crowds.
Mysteriously before our eyes an “Angle Parking” sign transformed into this “Angel Parking” sign of the times.
The following day we witnessed a sign which read, “Parking for Bears Only”. Naturally, I wondered, “What about Moose?” More glad graffitti was seen along the trails at Glacier National Park where humorous haikus were enhanced the haikus offered by poetic park officials (yes) who are more interested in butterflies and marmots than in issue-ing parking tickets, to especially to Angels.
Good heavens, we are sweet on Colorado! Wyoming’s Grand Tetons and Yellowstone, moreover, Montana’s Glacier National Park most deeply and thoroughly woo Nature-adoring souls!
“No words can describe the grandeur and majesty of these mountains, and even photographs seem hopelessly to dwarf and belittle the most impressive peaks.” – George Bird Grinnell, Glacier National Park, 1901
Ceaselessly-exploring sacred places of astounding beauty, it is easy to realize this Happy Traveler truth: “All roads lead to roam”, to therefore feel at home wherever one roams. Even the Bible states that those (Blissologists) “who seek shall find” the wonders of the world.
This beautiful world is yours to discover!
Why be a just no-mad when you can be a yes-glad? We are confirmed “nomad yes-glads”.
In Walden, “The Moose-Viewing Capital of Colorado,” we did not see a single real moose, except for this dubious one in the photo to the right.
In the Grand Tetons, we climbed inside an astoundingly stunning necklace of snow-bejeweled Tetons, then wandered into surreal Yellowstone where we found ourselves suddenly situated in the most glorious traffic jam in the company of hundreds of meandering feral and decidely-friendly buffalo.
Summer in Colorado, Wyoming and Montana are dreamy verdant-floribundant, while the winters are rumored to be so harsh here that only the strongest buffalo and hardiest humans survive.
Thus, I give thanks for humanity’s unprecedented ability for mobility, for what some Norwestern history buffs still call the “flying machine” and the “iron horse” and especially for the freedom and pleasant adventuring that our humble “Covered Wagon, “Roving Teepee”, “Creational Vehicle (CV)”, “CV Ranch”, or “CV Lodge on Wagon Wheels” affords.
We recommend liberating thy bliss-filled self from modern housing woes via embracing your own perfectly-modest, affordable, eco-home on wheels; cozy and compact, yet with two opposing plush couches, thus room for special wayfaring guests, including the possibility of marvelous you.
We ceaselessly and succulently move into spellbinding locations well-deserving of their legendary status, and so can you! Those brown shaded shrub ball lumps to our right in this photo are dozens of buffalo grazing! We saw hundreds of these friendly beasts in the wild.
Highlights of this Bliss Trail: we bow to the beauty of Durango’s community-focused River Days Festival, The awe-inspiring Colorado Trail (we will be back!), Molas Lakes Pass, The Durango-Silverton Train, veritiginous Ouray, Ridgeway Hot Springs, lovely Telluride, her Bear Creek Falls, conscious community and exquisite city park’s pristine creek tubing, plus breath-making views of Telluride from the USA’s only free the gondolas and most magnificent up to Mountain Village.
We feel that Colorado is the Summer Festival Capitol of the Southwest, especially in June. Charming Breckenridge hosted a charming gala as did so many Colorado towns in full celebration virtually everywhere as we passed through.
Aspenites festivate throughout the summer. Aspen’s rich, vibrant cultural heritage, al fresco dining, sounds of live classical music weaving through the streets, and photogenic Maroon Bells Lake hikes are a blissologist’s delight. Boulder’s bouyant, creative, spontaneous theatre, art and music comprising ongoing summer Pearl Street life, bustling Farmers Markets & Hanuman Yoga Festival wow-wed our city spirits.
Steeped in uplifting, educative history, beatific Chatauqua Park of Boulder fast became our beautiful Boulder base with swift access to daily hikes in the Rockies up into Glen Canyon, Royal Arches, and across to majestically and impossibily-vertical cliffs of El Dorado, the famed and awe-inspiring rock-climbers’ paradise.
In summation, for a soulful bliss boost, following the spine of the Continental Divide for the summer is exuberantly recommended. Or reach out to your nearest peak, hill, park, lawn, tree, shrublet, weed, cloud, patch of sky and/or shining star. Shine on, my friend, shine on!
Gabriel Cousens and the Team at Arizona’s Tree Of Life Welcome You. Serenely set in spacious mountains above the inviting village of Patagonia, Arizona’s Premier Raw Vegan Rejuvenation Center, The Tree of Life, is an International Health-Lovers’ Destination!

Funloving Business Opportunity: Little Moon Essentials Is For Sale! Would you love to surround yourself with exquisite aromas, organic creams, beautiful colors and herbal formulas – and get paid for it? Here’s Your Chance…

Serene San Fidel, New Mexico’s Ann Wigmore Retreat Is For Sale! It is perfectly set up now as a raw vegan retreat. It’s also ideal as a monastic/meditation retreat or B & B with sweeping vistas, commercial kitchen, organic garden, group accommodations and much more.

RAISING THE BLISS BAR. How to transmute less-than-excellent interactions into harmonious, kind-hearted, mirth-loving, giggle-rich conversations? Bliss Conscious Communication is the original that inspired today’s budding Bliss Movement, including the creation of BlissologyUniversity.com. This Bliss Book is guaranteed to ameliorate your relationship with Life and other loved ones.
$20 + $5 nationwide shipping
1 Printed Bliss Book including shipping.

Certificates of Bliss come in an eclectic array of frame-friendly options for graduates of both Bliss Conscious Communication Playshops for Budding Blissologists as well as for Beginner Godzillionaires. We believe that everyone deserves a degree of bliss.
Bliss U News is a monthly bliss-blast with a rainbow spectrum of possibilities to enhance ever more peace, compassion, sympathetic joy, harmony and bliss in our everyday lives.
BlissologyUniversity.com is the first university to explore blissful lifestyles and the causes of bliss including what Happy coined as “The Blissiplines”, which catalyzed today’s budding Blissology movement. May this enrich relationships and uplift perceptions so that everyone who wishes may live a joyous Godzillionaire lifestyle.
Providence Provideth.
“Light a fire in your own heart, then warm yourself and others by it.”
~ Love, Happy Oasis,
Your Devoted Blissologist