April 12, 2013
Dear Blossoming Blissologist,
“There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty
of being happy.” – Robert Louis Stevenson
“I love Blissology University. Bliss U!” – Ram Dass
Aardvarks of appreciation to you for reading the Bliss U News and embodying the Blissiplines within.
Bliss Tip: Try tithing. Give 90% of your hugs & smiles away, keeping 10% for yourself. – Happy
In this issue:
• Blissology University extols the exemplary lovingkindness of don Miguel Ruiz Jr & Sr, thus…
• B.U. has invited don Miguel Ruiz Jr & Sr to speak in Sedona, AZ on Tuesday, May 21st, 7 – 9 pm.
• Bliss U begins envisioning a logo. See above right. Your art, ideas and inspirations most welcome.
• The world’s first “Living Your Godzillionaire Lifestyle” class comes to CA. See flyer below.
• Why “Compassionate Communication” is Core Curriculum at B.U.
• Oodles of Luminaries review the ecstatically-expanded Bliss Conscious Communication ebook.
• “Certificates of Bliss” now come in several styles. See samples below. Feel free to frame forth.
• Bliss Blog: Gratitudes of A Budding Blissologist
• SPECIAL REPORT For Immediate Release
This Special Evening with don Miguel Ruiz Jr & Sr is also A Benefit For Hopi Elders.
Tuesday, May 21st from 7-9 pm at the Sedona Creative Life Center in Arizona.

The world’s first “Living Your Godzillionaire Lifestyle” class is happening Fri April 19th 7 – 9 pm at The White House, 54 Mission St, San Rafael, CA. Graduates will be “Certified Beginner Godzillionaires” and receive Beginner Godzillionaire certificates.

Why “Compassionate Communication” is a Core Course at Bliss U and why Superstar Blissologists are courageously glad. While it can be a hardship for a poor person to give to another poor person since both barely have enough, it is much less of a hardship for a rich person. Likewise, when someone feels sad, it can be a hardship to hear this by those who habitually struggle themselves with sorrow. Joy-filled people are wealthy in that they have vast reserves of joy to give to others.
A mark of deeply happy people is their greater ability to usually stay emotionally-ebullient, yet exercise compassion. For example, do you sometimes choose to alleviate sorrow by fully and unabashedly weeping, even sobbing, with someone who is feeling sad? It is not only deeply healing but may surprisingly evoke bursts of relief, intimacy of the heart and peels of laughter.
Blissologists are playing increasingly crucial roles in uplifting humanity’s emotional ambiance. It has been predicted that, “The ability to radiate frequencies of happiness, harmony and bliss will be recognized as important major alternative currencies in the near future as a pivotal force in the emerging ecstatic economy.”
Advent of an Ebook. A new, ecstatically-expanded edition of the book that inspired the inception of Blissology University, Bliss Conscious Communication, will soon be an ebook. Caveat Emptor: be prepared to bliss forth.
RAISING THE BLISS BAR. How to transmute less-than-excellent interactions into harmonious, kind-hearted, mirth-loving, giggle-rich conversations? Bliss Conscious Communication is the original that inspired today’s budding Bliss Movement, including the creation of BlissologyUniversity.com. This Bliss Book is guaranteed to ameliorate your relationship with Life and other loved ones.
$20 + $5 nationwide shipping
Meanwhile, Santa Cruz is in the news for recently becoming home to Central California’s first 24 Certified Blissologists who have since been seen roaming the streets, inspiring gladness in all they meet.
Certificates of Bliss come in an eclectic array of frame-friendly options. We believe that everyone deserves a degree of bliss.
Of all of the blessings on Earth, why is it that the most commonly chanted and spoken blessing (especially in sagacious Asia where most of humanity lives) is simply “May all beings be happy”?
Sages know that only when all men (yes, men) are happy, will envy, greed and maliciousness come to an end.
A genuinely, deeply, sustainably-happy man is a virtuous man hence the adage, “Happy are the wise.”
A man who has attained the highest inner happiness ~ bliss ~ cannot steal, cheat, slander or otherwise violate others and be able to maintain this happiness, nor has he the desire to do so. Therefore, only when all men develop and achieve the ability to habitually live in bliss ~ the highest happiness ~ will the symptoms and consequences of recycling unhappiness, and its consequent behaviors of violence, hoarding, cruelty, suffering and war, finally be no more.
Within this slight white book hide hundred of “Blissiplines” – spiritual gems and solutions – that the Happy author coined as a the turn of the millennium. Achieving genuine joy and enduring bliss requires focused effort. These Blissiplines are profoundly powerful tools for achieving lasting everyday bliss-filled realizations, not only for oneself, but also, and perhaps more importantly, for everyone one contacts.
We cannot wait for the relatively few spiritual leaders to save us. Now we can be spiritual guides to everyone we meet simply by the way we communicate in our every day conversations. This book clearly demonstrates how almost anyone can be a wise leader via bravely experimenting with the easy examples within Bliss Conscious Communication that exude generosity, genius and joyful lovingkindness.
The wise do not look to economic or political liberation as lasting solutions for world peace, but seek to liberate us all from the most pervasive roots of ignorance that are easy to overlook, and most difficult to perceive: the shackles of one’s own mind, the bondage from one’s own erroneous ways of perceiving, which are expressed in how we inter-relate with humanity and life itself.
The yet-to-be-released 2013 version of Bliss Conscious Communication is a bold, fresh yet timeless attempt to administer the deepest blessings called “Blissings” to a somewhat ill world, by addressing the underlying issues of the woes of the world, happening not only today, but since time immemorial.
Behind all the trouble in today’s world are people in charge who are profoundly unhappy while billions of others are unhappily carrying out unhappy dictates. Adopting the Blissiplines, one quickly learns how easy it is to lift one another up, starting with ourselves. When joy, harmony, peace, lovingkindness and bliss – the highest happiness – prevail, motivations will be beneficial, vicious arguments will no longer arise, wars will cease, and the needless suffering in the world will be no more.
“There is no duty we so much underrated as the duty of being happy”, wrote Robert Louis Stevenson centuries ago.
Thank you, important reader, for understanding that happiness is a serious career, and that by becoming a Blissologist who embracing the Blissiplines within this humble book, by learning how to use these powerful tools, disguised as playful conversations, we can help heal the world’s woes at the core and therein co-create a more loving, peaceful, glad, and even bliss-filled world.
I Celebrate You. Let us bliss forth.
Bliss Blog: Gladitudes of a Budding Blissologist It could be safe to say that overall Californians know how to live Godzillionaire lifestyles more than just about anyone else in North America. For example, traveling slowly and succulently up California’s coast in our creational vehicle (rv), we admired a plethora of dignified yet notoriously lazy nudist beach-goers who happen to be wallowing sea lions along long, crashing stretches of lonesome cliff beaches, bespeckled with clifftop ocean caves. Due to the exemplary sea lions with whom we shared a beach, we also been known to recently plunge in and out of refreshing oceanic waters.
A treasure trove of human hosts, starting with Aptos angel, Nora Klaus, invited us to her heavenly home to hike through undulating meadows to a Redwood family grove featuring faraway ocean views. Ideal for a muse. Thank you. international sailor, Captain Paul, for the spellbinding stories of high sea adventures during a scrumptious candlelit dinner at Nora’s, lovingly prepared throughout the day by vibrant vegan chefs Ananda and Janaka.
Feeling grateful for fun family times during a reunion in Saratoga, we then blissed forth to share in heaven on Earth with the producers of the film Thrive!, Kimberly & Foster Gamble, exemplaries of intelligence, goodness, kindness, compassion, health, service, balance and beauty.
The Bliss of Tithing is Blissipline, evident at UC Berkeley with this amazing heart-blessing line up: Michael Beckwith, Jack Kornfield and Alice Walker were in top wisdom-keeper form, sharing gems of truth as they continued MLK’s 50-year old conversation of the “Beloved Community” on, April 4th, the anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King, the Honorary Blissologist, who often spoke of “Our Beloved Community.” What a heartful fundraiser it was for the vibrant East Bay Meditation Center, which though frequented with visitors and free programs, is nonetheless struggling to keep its doors open to inner city peeps in need of a little inner peace. East Bay Meditation Center is said to be possibly the USA’s most culturally-diverse, entirely donation-based, long-lived meditation center.
Into the next incarnation, we drove that night to goodness knows where camping in the fragrant blossoming wilds, followed by two wild city nights of rv camping in a public parking lot (yes, you can legally do this) smack dab in the middle of downtown Sacramento surrounded by towering hotels for the 3-day Millionaire Mind Intensive – a full-participation, heart & mind-opening, free, 30-hour presentation. It was not just about transforming relationships with money but also about relationships, our core beliefs and ways of being. Be prepared to learn, wonder, celebrate and also stir up deep subconscious emotional-perceptual muck in order to wake up. Millionaire Mind is (from our perspective) also nonstop, highly-entertaining comedy show.
After gratefully deepening our friendship with the heartful author of “The Five Levels Of Attachment”, don Miguel Ruiz Jr in Sacramento, we luxuriated at the lovely home of Lisa Wade nearby, virtuous friend and magnanimous founder of the non profit www.ImpactAVillage.org and co-author of “A Story Of Hope -The Journey Of A Lost Boy Of Sudan.”
Thanks be to the dark forests with giggling streams near Nevada City who welcomed quiet campers into the foothills of California’s Sierra Nevada.
For two days we stayed at private, impossibly-dreamy-streamy-blossoming-hilly-green Nature Conservancy preserve near aptly-named Grass Valley where we hiked amidst nearly-tame turkeys, geese and deer in pond-abounding paradise, thanks to an inspiration of jubilation called James. New music and poetry poured out of us like the sunshine on cloud-free days.
We give thanks for last night’s gracious, intergalactic host, a self-proclaimed Sirius guy, Da Vid, founder of The Light Party, then today to sagacious Jack Kornfield, co-founder of Spirit Rock Retreat, where we sat meditating and listening at Jack’s feet all day between walking meditations which morphed for me into hikes up the luxuriantly verdant hills.

San Francisco’s Pre-Eminent Healthy Living & Consciousness Expo Returns to The Conscourse Exhibition Center Apr 26 – 28. See the Extensive Impressive Line Up at www.NewLivingExpo.com including A Playshop Celebration For Certifying Budding Blissologists Sat Apr 27th at 7 pm.

Bliss U News is blossoming as a monthly bliss-blast with a rainbow spectrum of possibilities to enhance ever more peace, compassion, sympathetic joy, harmony and bliss in our everyday lives.
Upcoming Monthly Issues of Bliss U News Ahead: Deepen Thy Presence with Meditation Author-Guidess Sara McLean, Hear the Remarkable Wisdom of Richard Hardy, Drink in Laughter with Singing Lovologist Larisa Stow, Experience the Yoga of Bliss with Angel Meenakshi, New Causal Bliss Interview with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, and discover why Blissologist Happy O is so dang Happy…
BlissologyUniversity.com explores bliss conscious-expanding ways of being that Happy coined as “The Blissiplines” at the turn of the century while introducing the novel field of Blissology enrich relationships and uplift perceptions so that everyone (who wishes) may live a Godzillionaire lifestyle.
Let Us Bliss Forth With FunLovingKindness,
Happy Oasis, CBB
Certified Budding Blissologist
Founder of: