Happy Holy Days From The Raw Spirit & Bliss U News! Raw Veganin’ and Blissin in Baja California, Mexico |
Hola Amigas Queridas y Amigos Preciosos! (Hi Dear, Precious & Beautiful Friends!) [Note to Readers: Remember to press your “remote image view” tab so that you can see all of the amazing photos below starting with this beauty:]
It’s really really easy. Why? It’s not simply due to successfully escaping any hints of winter. It’s not just the azur skies or the surreally clean, at first unbelievably blue-green waters of the Sea of Cortez that warmly lure us into daring little daily adventures via inflatable kayak with mask, snorkel, gumption and fins on board. THE MEXICAN BLISS REPORT: It’s easy adjusting to life here in Baja because Mexicans are natural Blissologistas and Blissologistos. For example, instead of saying standard bland American greetings such as the yawn-evoking “Nice to meet ya”, a Mexican will enthusiastically sing out “Encantada!” which means “I’m enchanted to meet you!” while shaking both of your hands together in hers or his. Wow. I mean, “Ole!” Like, seriously. In this way, I feel culturally met, mirthfully so. Mexicans earnestly feel that being cheerful, glad and happy is a joyous personal and familial obligation as well as a national duty. The question is, why don’t some of the rest of us agree? Mexicans, thus, gladly accept the name, “Feliza” (rhymes with Elisa), my newly-concocted creation of the feminine of “Feliz”, meaning “Happy”. And Now for the MEXICAN RAW REPORT: Once in the small friendly village of Mulege, one of several places famous for being an oasis of hundreds of date palms, we stayed at the gorgeous farm of wonderful hostess and new friend, Faby Lima (formerly Ray’s place named after her now heavenly husband. The farm is mostly an expansive citrus grove lawns, restaurant complete with live music, gardens, pool, tastefully-artistic and playful guest homes and a beautiful traditional hacienda with all of the modern conveniences, all snuggled into a wide valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, the ocean being the fourth. We rode to the neighbor’s organic vegetable farm that was hidden yet went on for what must have been 20 acres. That’s a lot of vegetables. They supply fresh organic vegetables all over the east coast of Baja California Sur. We had landed in raw vegan paradise with the freshest, crunchiest, juiciest vegetables imaginable. Dozens of varieties, too many to mention. The fresh date season corresponds with that of southern Arizona and California, so we bought several of the last bags of fresh wet dates at about a third of the price in the USA. Guacamole and salsa are our main stays, and already we have discovered an infinite variety of recipes. We dip every imaginable vegetable into the green mound, sometimes making green and purple cabbage “tortillas”. For a cooked food indulgence, we bought corn tortillas freshly steaming hot, right off the press at a tortilla shop. Thankfully, GMO corn is now illegal. The seaweeds are tasty and easily collectible on lucky hunts along the many lonely coves, cliffs, shoals and beaches. Until recently the Sea of Cortez (= Gulf of California) was teeming with prolific sea life. Today the billions of shells which comprise much of the beaches testify to a recent enormous genocide of sea life that likely occurred over the last few decades. Good News: If there be any fruity person reading this Raw Report, papayas, mangos, avocados and coconuts do indeed grow here. Guava season just ended and there are still oodles of the ripest of these fruits to be eaten, in moderation, of course. In the lower third of Baha California, the changing landscapes are surprisingly spectacular, rugged, yet inviting, starting with the small French-founded town of Santa Rosalia, where the ferry from the mainland city of Guaymas lands. Our Verizon iphone connection is coming to a swift and glorious end because there is virtually no service here, so please communicate preferably telepathically or via email only because your excellent texts will only go to the NSA. Dreamy holy days and nights. Thank you for gifting our lives with yours. Abrazos, Besos y Cervezas (Hugs, Kisses and Beer), 🙂 Feliz Navidad, Hanukkah, Solstice and Nuevo Ano! Feliza Oasis Health & Happiness Happenings: Scroll Down For Fabulous Flyers About Great News & Rawsplendent: Rawmarkable Recommendations from Your Raw Spirit Community News: 1. Warm Up & Rejuvenate at Hippocrates Health Institute of West Palm Beach, Florida • Please Scroll Down To See Full-Size Flyers of these Raw Vegan Retreats & Empowering Products Dr. Gabriel Cousens & the Team at Arizona’s Tree Of Life Welcome You to “Portals to Liberation, A Unique Spiritual Fasting Retreat” from December 26 – January 6, 2014. Serenely set in spacious mountains above the inviting village of Patagonia, Arizona’s Premier Raw Vegan Rejuvenation Center, The Tree of Life, is an International Health-Lovers’ Destination! www.DrCousens.com The 2nd annual Raw Living Expo is happening Jan 31 – Feb 2, 2014, in Thousand Oaks, CA at the Hyatt Westlake Plaza. Early bird tickets are on sale now. This is not a Raw Spirit Festival event. It is the creation of Laura Fox, a former Raw Spirit associate during 2007. We will be in Baja California at the time; however, we highly recommend what looks like A Great Gathering! www.RawLivingExpo.com Sacred Steve and David Wolfe have arrived at new heights to deliver the finest raw vegan love-filled chocolates to you. Gift a gift to yourself and others with these delicious stocking stuffers. Order now at sacredchocolate.com. Use the promo code ‘happy’ at the checkout for a bonus 10% discount! Biolumina Spirulina is not only unique in it’s processing. It’s been quantum infused. We at Raw Spirit personally take Health Force Super Foods daily, It is a Deep Honor for the Raw Spirit Community News Ann Wigmore Institute Happy Oasis |