December 7, 2012
Dear Bliss-filled Being,
Blissology University, affectionately called, Bliss U, or B.U. (Be You!) is the world’s first, now-germinating, research university exploring the arts, sciences and spiritual practices, as well as the lifestyles, perspectives, and habits that create conditions for bliss, namely the Blissiplines.
It is no secret that mystics, inspired creatives and earth angels, possibly including you, frequently experience daily joyfulness and bliss. But why don’t the rest of us live in bliss as often? More importantly, how can most anyone raise the bliss bar?
We invite you to join us as we explore together this exciting new field of ecstatic possibilities. Blissology University will offer both on-line webinars and live courses in geographical paradises commencing in in Maui in January, 2013. Bliss U’s first Budding Blissologist Cerficate Course is happening at what many deem as Maui’s most exquisite private oceanfront estate.
Are YOU On The Bliss List? Is there a Blissful Godzillionaire Who You Recommend? Dozens of the World’s leading specialists of fabulous facets of blissful-living are uniting as Professors of Bliss. Stay tuned for the revealling of The BLISS LIST of luminaries next issue. Quite possibly there is someone dear to you who we have overlooked? Kindly let us know of anyone who is a leader in blissful living.MEDITATING JADE MAUI
Do You Love To Ponder and Propose? Then We’d Love to Hear from You! Topic: What is a primary obstacle to living in bliss, and how do you suggest we overcome it? Email Feel free to optionally include your website or contact info to be featured on the upcoming
Bliss U News is blossoming as a monthly bliss-blast to enhance ever more joy, contentment, happiness and harmony into our everyday lives while honestly honoring the full spectrum of possibilities regarding arising emotions, current events and challenges. We bliss forth Bliss U News on the First Friday of each month.
Inspiring Bliss U News, BlissTubes & Audio Innerviews Await You. Here’s what’s ahead with Bliss U: Deep Giggling with Larisa Stow, Get Serious About Happiness with New York Times #1 best-selling author Happy For No Reason Marci Shimoff, Voyage with Consciousness Argonaut Dr. Jacob Lieberman As He Guides Us Into Depth of Presence, Deepen Thy Presence with Meditation Author-Guidess Sara Mclean, Discover Why Blissologist Happy Oasis is So Dang Happy, Learn from America’s most loved cosmic comedian, Swami Beyondananda, the nuances subtle comedy and specific delivery techniques sure to evoke not only laughter but joyful hearts, Peek into Exemplary Citizen Dr. Brian Clement’s Secrets Behind His Unusual Joy, and Glean Rabbi Dr. Gabriel Cousens’ Personal Inner Peace Tips…
RAISING THE BLISSOMETER. With the holidays coming, are You prepared to transmute needlessly-tense, family interactions into harmonious, joy-filled, kind-hearted, fun-loving, giggle-rich conversations?
How to transform irritating comments into compliments,
easily melt conflicts into rounds of laughter, and
nip arguments in the bud with playful, uplifting communications?
Why not enjoy family reunions to the utmost? Happy’s Bliss Conscious Communication book is guaranteed to ameliorate your situation. Holiday Special for the book: Bliss Conscious Communication. Normally $20 plus shipping, now $20 including shipping within the continental USA.
Smartest Option: Buy 5 or more as gifts for the every member of the family to read before you arrive! Just $14 each plus reduced bulk shipping of just $9.
We’d Love To Celebrate With You At These Upcoming Joyous Gatherings!

Celebrate The End of The World (well, some believe) with Happy and Oodles of Friends near the Renowned Solstice Pyramid, Chitzen Itza, Mexico. The Day After the World Ends, 🙂 Happy leads a PlayShop For Blissologists Saturday Dec 22 in Room B at 10:30 am. For special reward, be sure to use the following discount code HXO2012 when registering for Synthesis 2012.

Let’s Bring In The New Year Together! “Manifesting Miracles of Love” is A Love Coach Academy Immersion Experience at Harbin Hotsprings, featuring Scott Catamas, hopefully me & several extraordinary high-frequency Musicians: Marya Sark, Zahira Soul and Lakshmi Devi. This is the West Coast’s Most Happening New Year’s Gathering. Dec 29 – Jan 1st.

February 9th, noon to 2 pm at Los Angeles LAX’s Hilton. Happy is the Moderator & One of Six Panel Speakers, debuting “The Raw Panel of the Stars”! Markus Rothkranz, Dr. Elizabeth, Aris Latham, Mimi Kirk, Rod Rodundi and Happy Oasis. This is the Conscious Life Expo’s first ever Raw Vegan Panel. Learn what Organic Raw Vegan Foods can do for you from an International Dynamic Panel of Six of The World’s Leading Raw Vegan-Friendly Researchers and Speakers! Discover how to avoid any pitfalls and and hear what at first appear to be miraculous cures to from these lively professionals’ testimonials. An interactive question and answer opportunity is included. Plus, spontaneous dialogue, scientific research, and an eclectic array of philosophies, approaches personalized tips, and health-enhancing treasures.
Conscious Life Expo Special: Bliss Conscious Communication Interactive PlayShop, 2 pm on Sunday, Feb 10th with Happy Oasis & Special Guests!
February 22 – 24 at the Hilton near Sedona. Laura Fox and Friends are bringing together many of the leaders in the Raw Community, for a next generation of what promises to be a rawmarkable little gathering. See you there. Fantastic flyer to be revealed in the next issue.

Bliss Forth With Love,
Happy Oasis,
Bliss U News